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There are no definitive events scheduled at this time. Once all details are available, they will be published on this page.
16 December 2012
Paranormal Exhibition at Sas van Gent- Organization: vzw De Hoeksteen
- Open: 10:30 - 18:00h
- Location: Zaal de Speye, Wilhelminalaan 1, 4551 EP Sas van Gent, Netherlands
- Entrance: 5 Euro (including free gift)
2 December 2012
6th Spiritual Exhibition- Organization: Witch Shop - White Magic en Vrienden der Blinden van Koksijde
- Open: 10:00 - 18:00h
- Location: Kerkepannezaal, Strandlaan 128, Sint-Idesbald
- Card readers Runic signs Healing stones Pentagram reading
- Magic Numerology Palm-reading
22 September 2012
Life Energy Fair
- Organisation: Energo Oostende
- Open: from 10:00 to 18:00h
- Location: Schelpenstraat 20, 8400 Ostend
7-8 July 2011
Doors Open Days Witch Shop The Pentagram
- Organisation: Heksenwinkeltje Het Pentagram
- Open from 13:00h
- Location: Hulshoutsesteenweg 72, 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium
- Pentagram Reading ONLY ON SUNDAY
11 March 2012
International Women's Day at De Panne
- Organisation: Board of Toerisme De Panne
- Open: 13:00 - 17:00h
- Location: Town Hall, Zeelaan 21, 8660 De Panne
- Organisation: Board of Toerisme De Panne
- Open: 13:00 - 17:00h
- Location: Town Hall, Zeelaan 21, 8660 De Panne
1 May 2011
Romantic market „The Old Path“
- Organisation: The Old Path
- From 13:00h
- Location: Waterstraat 42, 2250 Sint-Jozef Olen, Belgium
- The "Waterstraat" will become one big party area, (parking available), stands with romantic stuff, antiques, sweets, musicians.
Card Readers, massages in the "hemelhuis" (subscription required).
Pentagram Reading.
10-11 December 2010
- Organisation: Witch Shop - White Magic
- Open:
Pentagram reading:
Fri 10 December 2010, 14:00 - 18:00h
Sat 11 December 2010, 10:30 - 12:00h and 14:00 - 18:00h
THEME: The Light in me greets the Light in you ...
Fri 10 December 2010 at 19:30h. - Location: Diksmuidsestraat 40, 8900 Ypres, Belgium
29th August 2010
„Scottish (Celtic) market on the Highland Games (Harvest festival) in Mechelen“- Organisation: Kram Clan in collaboration with Bea Pintens (Vrijbroekpark)
- Open: from 10:00 to 18:00h
- Location: on the cricketfield of the Vrijbroekpark te Mechelen.
Main entrance by the Ridder Dessainlaan. - Entrance: FREE for all Harvest Festival activities
- Program: Besides the Highland Games there are other events during the Harvest Festival.
More info on (Dutch only)
8th August 2010
Transformationel Art - ceramics with HERBS - PLANTS - FLOWERS...
„Pentagram Reading on the Artist Fair at Gijverinkhove“
For more information on the artist see
- Organisation: the “Gijverinkhove Artist Fair” committee in collaboration with the municipality of Alveringem
- Open: from 10:00 until 18:00h
- Location: on Weegschede square and its surrounding streets at Gijverinkhove (Alveringem).
- Entrance fee: FREE
- Program: more info on Athanor, Weegschede 2, 8691 Gijverinkhove
31st July 2010
„Celtic Market of the Folk festival M'Eire Morough“- Organization: M'Eire Morough Folkfestival Dendermonde vzw (previous vzw The Clan)
- Open: afternoon
- Location: next to the municipal swimming pool Olympos of Dendermonde,
- Entrance fee: FREE for the Celtic Market
- Program: more info (Dutch) on

21 June 2008
Summer Solstice.

- Eric Cornand for his live performance and number "Waterfall of Avalon".
- The representatives of the Hara Krishna for the meditation.
- Fehluna for the mantras for peace.
- Donegal Coven and Circle of Marilysse for their cooperation with the ritual.
You can find more about the celebration on the Solstice page and pictures in the photo gallery.